Step-by-Step Guide: How to Choose Your First Fractional Laser Treatment in Cedarpark & Austin, TX

Fractional Laser Treatment in Cedar park & Austin, Tx

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Fractional laser treatment, also known as fractional photothermolysis, is a cosmetic procedure that uses lasers to remove acne scars and fine lines. This procedure can also be used to treat precancerous skin lesions (actinic keratoses), sun damage, and stretch marks. Fractional lasers help your body heal faster by limiting the amount of heat delivered to each treatment site. This means fewer side effects such as redness or swelling around the area being treated.

There are several different types of fractional lasers on the market today but they all work in a similar way: The laser sends thousands of tiny beams into the skin at once which creates microscopic holes in the skin’s surface tissue called microchannels.

These small channels create space between your cells which allows them to grow more quickly and effectively repair themselves over time with collagen production increasing dramatically in this period post-treatment compared with untreated areas nearby!

What is fractional laser treatment?

Fractional laser treatment is a non-invasive procedure that uses a laser to remove or improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles. The fractional CO2 laser selectively damages skin cells without damaging the deeper layers of your skin. This allows for the creation of numerous tiny channels called microchannels in the treated area which encourage new collagen growth for improved skin tone, texture, and elasticity.

While it’s important to note that this procedure can be used on all ethnicities, it is especially effective with individuals of African American descent due to their darker pigmented skin making it difficult for some lasers to penetrate as deeply as desired.

What is a fractional laser treatment used to treat in Cedarpark & Austin, Tx?

Fractional laser treatment is used to treat acne scars, stretch marks and wrinkles. It’s also effective for treating sun damage such as brown spots, redness, and broken capillaries.

Fractional lasers work by sending tiny pulses of light into the skin at various depths that cause localized injury to the dermis (the middle layer of skin). The body’s natural healing response repairs this damage, which results in new collagen production as well as improved circulation.

Benefits of fractional laser treatment

  • Skin tightening. The laser will help loosen the skin, making it appear smoother and firmer.
  • Improvement of skin texture. The laser can help improve your skin’s appearance by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as scars, sun damage, and stretch marks.
  • Reduced acne scarring.  Fractional lasers are often used to treat acne scars because they can work deep into the dermis where most of these scars are located. They also have a gentler effect than traditional lasers that may be better suited for people with sensitive or thin skin types (like those who have had acne).

How does fractional laser treatment work?

Fractional laser treatment is a process that uses a fractionated laser beam to create microscopic columns of injury in the skin. The micro-injuries are so small that they heal without scarring and leave your skin looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

How to prepare for the procedure

  • Don’t wear makeup or any other cosmetics.
  • Don’t wear contact lenses.
  • Don’t wear jewellery, including a watch with a metal band and earrings (even small studs).
  • Don’t take any medications that you don’t need to take on the day of your procedure, especially blood thinners such as aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil). Some over-the-counter medications, such as Benadryl®, can also cause bleeding problems during treatment. Talk to your doctor about what medications you should avoid taking before undergoing fractional laser treatment.
  • Eat and drink nothing after midnight on the morning of your procedure except for water or other clear liquids until two hours before your appointment time.

What Happens During the Procedure

Fractional laser treatment is a procedure that uses light to repair the damaged skin, allowing your body to produce more collagen. This is done with a handheld device that emits laser beams into the skin. The laser beam is broken down into thousands of tiny beams, called “microabrasion,” which puncture the upper layer of your skin and create columns of scar tissue.

The microabrasion are absorbed by new collagen that forms in their place, causing them to heal faster than normal wounds do. In this way, fractional lasers work over time as they encourage collagen production without damaging healthy areas of your face or body.

Some people even see results after just one session!

While there are risks involved with any sort of cosmetic procedure—including some mild redness and swelling—the benefits tend to outweigh them by far: after just one session at our office here in Atlanta we’ve seen patients looking years younger than their actual age!

What to expect after the procedure

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If you have Fraxel, there may be some temporary swelling and bruising, which should resolve within a week or two. You will also experience some redness for about the first week following your treatment.

When using fractional laser treatments for hair removal, it’s important to understand what you can expect from each type of laser treatment. The most common side effects include:

  • Temporary hair loss that lasts anywhere from seven to ten days
  • Temporary numbness in the area being treated (typically lasts less than 24 hours)
  • Skin discolouration or darkening of the treated area

Who should get fractional laser treatment in Cedarpark & Austin, Tx?

Fractional laser treatment is a great option for anyone who wants to improve their skin’s appearance and texture. These are some of the most common reasons people choose this procedure:

  • Sun damage and wrinkles. Fractional laser treatments can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles and other signs of ageing on the face, neck, chest and hands.
  • Acne scars. Fractional lasers can be used to treat acne scars that are shallow in depth or moderate in severity—including atrophic or pitted scars—by stimulating collagen production to fill them in over time without causing significant scarring during the healing process.
  • Hyperpigmentation (discoloration). Fractional lasers can treat hyperpigmentation by reducing melanin production in the skin without damaging surrounding tissue, making it an excellent option for those with dark spots like freckles or age spots as well as melasma (a condition that causes brown patches on your cheeks).

What is the Cost of fractional laser treatment in Cedar park and Austin, Tx

The average cost of fractional laser treatment, which is also known as fractional photothermolysis, varies depending on the region you live in and the clinic you go to. In Cedar Park and Austin, Texas for example, a popular dermatologist’s office charges $600 per treatment. This price is an average across all areas of your face or body.

The national average cost for these treatments can range from $400 to over $1200 per session depending on where you live and which practitioner performs them on you.

What are the side effects and complications of fractional laser treatment?

Although fractional laser treatment is relatively safe and effective, there are some side effects and complications that you should be aware of. Side effects may include redness, swelling, and pain for up to a week after your procedure.

Complications can include scarring (including permanent), infection, and keloid formation. Recovery time varies but usually takes several weeks of healing before you feel like yourself again. You may also have to take time off work or avoid certain activities (for example swimming) while you recover from the procedure’s effects on your skin.


If you’re looking to improve your skin and reduce signs of ageing, fractional laser treatment may be right for you. Fractional laser treatment can treat a range of skin conditions like wrinkles, acne scars, and dark spots by creating microscopic columns within the skin that stimulate new collagen growth.

The treatment is minimally invasive since only the damaged areas are treated, leaving surrounding areas untouched. This procedure is great for people who want dramatic results without going under the knife or dealing with downtime from traditional surgery procedures.


Is fractional laser good for your skin?

The short answer is yes. Fractional laser is a safe, effective treatment for skin rejuvenation. A fractional laser procedure can treat fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation. However, each person’s skin is unique and there are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to undergo any type of procedure.

Fractional lasers also use heat energy to regenerate collagen in the treatment area—a process called selective photothermolysis (SPTL). The laser penetrates only part way into your skin causing microscopic columns of tissue damage that can lead to new collagen production without causing scarring or discoloration problems associated with ablative lasers like CO2 resurfacing.

Does fractional resurfacing hurt?

The good news is that fractional laser resurfacing is less painful than other forms of laser treatment. However, there will be some discomfort and you may need to take painkillers before and after the procedure.

If you have a low pain threshold, ask your dermatologist about options such as numbing cream or sedation during your procedure. If you still prefer to experience minimal discomfort when undergoing this kind of treatment, consider asking for an injection of local anaesthetic at the doctor’s office so that it can numb your skin during the procedure.

How often should you get a fractional laser?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated because it’s different for everyone. If you are having a chemical peel or microdermabrasion, then there are definite guidelines on how often you should get the procedure done to maintain skin health and vibrancy. But if you’re talking about fractional laser treatments (which can be used in combination with other procedures), the answer is much less straightforward.

Fractional laser treatments work by creating microscopic columns within your skin that cause new collagen production and improve skin texture, tone and overall appearance of fine lines. The results last anywhere from six months to two years depending on the condition of your skin at the time treatment is administered as well as how many sessions were performed during that time frame.

How long does it take to heal from laser resurfacing?

The healing process after laser resurfacing can vary from person to person, but typically it takes between one and two weeks for the skin to fully heal. During this time, it is important to keep the treated area clean and protected from the sun to help promote healing and avoid infection.

How long after laser resurfacing do you see results?

Results are immediate, but full results take several months. It’s important to remember that the skin is an organ; it has a certain amount of elasticity and healing ability, so you’ll see some improvement on the first day or two after treatment. However, after about four weeks there will be a major shift in your skin quality—the collagen begins to rebuild itself and plump up your pores again. You’ll start seeing that healthy glow returning and even more improvement as time goes on!

When should I have laser skin resurfacing?

Fractional skin resurfacing is a good choice for people with sun damage, acne scars, wrinkles and other skin imperfections. The laser can be used to treat shallow and deep wrinkles and scars.

The intensity of fractional laser treatment varies depending on the condition being treated. For example, if you have deep wrinkles you will likely need more than one treatment because each procedure only treats a small area at once.

Which is better fractional laser or Microneedling?

Fractional laser treatment is more expensive, but it’s also more effective and less painful than microneedling. Fractional lasers are best suited for fine lines and wrinkles, while microneedling is better for acne scars and stretch marks.

How long will my face be swollen after laser resurfacing?

The swelling you experience after laser resurfacing is normal and should not be cause for alarm. It’s important to remember that your face will be swollen for up to a week after treatment, but this swelling can be reduced with ice and compression, as well as by using Arnica (a herbal supplement), Vitamin C, and aloe vera.

Is fractional resurfacing safe?

Fractional laser resurfacing is a safe procedure for patients who are not pregnant and have no skin conditions that could increase the risk of complications. It is also safe if performed by a qualified professional who has been certified by the American Board of Dermatology or the American Board of Plastic Surgery, as these organizations require their members to complete additional training before they can perform fractional laser treatments.

Best Medspa to Get Fractional laser treatment in Cedar park and Austin, Tx

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Eden Medspa is the best place for fractional laser treatment in Cedarpark and Austin, Tx. They have the latest technology and the most experienced staff. We offer various services, including laser hair removal, skin tightening, and more.