


Seemingly like a dermal filler, Sculptra works differently than hyaluronic acid-based products. And, while the ultimate goal remains to add volume to the face while reducing lines and wrinkles, it accomplishes this in a slightly different, longer-lasting way. Injected deeply in strategic areas, Sculptra treats the underlying cause of facial volume loss such as bone loss, collagen, and fat loss, rather than simply affecting areas where lines and wrinkles are prevalent.

Sculptra is made from polylactic acid, which has been discovered to stimulate collagen growth. While it often takes a few weeks, the collagen production following injections helps restore facial volume by naturally “tightening” the face, creating a more youthful appearance. With Sculptra in North Austin at Eden Medical Spa, the ultimate goal is to appear more youthful. While it often takes a few weeks, the collagen production following injections helps restore facial volume by naturally “tightening” the face, achieving the goal of appearing more youthful.


  • Wrinkles
  • Thin Skin
  • Signs of Aging
  • Jawline
  • Sculpting/Contouring
  • Tear Troughs / Hollow Under eyes
  • Lip Lines
  • Cheek Lift
  • Hollow Temples
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Sculptra Summer Glow up! Sculptra recently received FDA indication for Cheeks AND promoting Glowing Skin

Buy the Cheeks -$1600

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The cost of Sculptra depends on how much Sculptra your particular treatment area will require based on your desired results. We can determine how much your treatment will cost during your in-depth consultation with an injection specialist.

Although results may vary, the typical longevity of Sculptra is nearly two years!

Seemingly like a dermal filler, Sculptra works differently than hyaluronic acid-based products. And, while the ultimate goal remains to add volume to the face while reducing lines and wrinkles, it accomplishes this in a slightly different, longer-lasting way. Injected deeply in strategic areas, Sculptra treats the underlying cause of facial volume loss such as bone loss, collagen, and fat loss rather than simply affecting specific areas where lines and wrinkles are prevalent. Sculptra is made from polylactic acid, which has been discovered to stimulate the growth of collagen. While it often takes a few weeks, the collagen production following injections helps restore facial volume by naturally “tightening” the face, creating a more youthful appearance.

Before & After


PurposeSculptra treats the underlying cause of facial volume loss such as bone loss, collagen, and fat loss rather than simply affecting specific areas where lines and wrinkles are prevalent.
Cost$800 a vial
Duration2 years
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