Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal involves using a concentrated beam of laser light to remove unwanted hair from specific parts of your body such as the chin, upper lips, armpits, legs, and bikini line.
There are many great benefits of using laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair.
1. Lasers are Safe and Effective
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment to remove unwanted hair from specific areas of your body. It involves the use of a laser device that emits light. The light is absorbed by the pigment in your hair and converted to heat. The heat then destroys the hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out and also delays hair growth. Laser light is entirely safe and doesn’t cause any harm to the skin.
2. Cost-effective option
Laser hair removal is a low-cost way of removing unwanted hair. The average cost for a laser hair removal treatment is $300. Results from laser hair removal are long-lasting. This means you don’t need to have laser hair removal every week or twice a week like in shaving or waxing. After laser hair removal, hairs won’t grow for many years. This makes laser hair removal more cost-effective than other options.
3. Less Painful Than Waxing or Shaving
Laser hair removal involves the use of a concentrated beam of laser light. Laser hair removal is less painful than shaving or waxing.
During the procedure, a numbing topical anaesthetic may be applied to your skin to make you comfortable throughout the treatment. A cold gel may also be applied to your skin to protect the outer layers of your skin.
4. No Ingrown Hairs
It damages the hair follicles to prevent the growth of hair. Unlike shaving where the hair is cut off from the skin surface, It will remove hairs from inside the hair follicles. The laser beam of light goes through your skin into the hair follicles to destroy the hair follicles. This prevents any case of ingrown hairs.
5. The Procedure Is Very Precise and Exact
Laser hair removal is a very precise and exact treatment. It involves the removal of unwanted hairs from specific parts of the body.
During this procedure, the technician presses the laser device against the skin area where you want to remove unwanted hair. When the laser is activated, the laser beam goes directly through your skin into the hair follicles. The heat from the laser beam then destroys the hair follicles in the particular area. Hairs are removed from the precise exact area that you want to remove hairs from.
6. Minimal or No Side Effects
This is a safe procedure with minimal or no side effects. Minimal side effects that may occur include redness of the skin, changes in skin colour, skin irritation, swelling, scarring, or blisters. All these usually resolve and go away in a few hours or days.
7. Results are Long-lasting
Results from laser hair removal are long-lasting. The concentrated laser beams damage hair follicles, causing hairs to fall out and also delay hair growth. The damaged hair follicles are not completely destroyed but could take years for them to heal to allow hair growth again. As long as the hair follicles remain damaged, hairs will not grow back. After having your complete laser hair removal treatment, hair may not grow back for years to come.
8. Procedure Is Quick
Laser hair removal is a quick procedure. Each concentrated laser beam can treat many hairs at the same time in a few seconds. A small area like the upper lip can be treated within 5 minutes while a large area like the leg can be treated in less than 30 minutes. No need to take a day off work to have laser hair removal. You can have laser hair removal treatment during your lunch break.
9. Saving From the Regrowth
Laser hair removal prevents hairs from growing back, unlike shaving or waxing where hairs grow back in a week or two. The concentrated laser beams damage hair follicles, causing hairs to fall out. It also delays hair regrowth. It could take years for the damaged hair follicles to heal. As long as the hair follicles remain damaged, hairs will not grow back.
10. Can Remove Hair From Any Part of the Body

Laser hair removal can be used to remove hair from many parts of the body like your face, neck, armpits, back, arms, legs, bikini line, and stomach. Laser hair removal may only be used to remove the hair on your head if you want to completely remove them for a very long time.
11. Treatments are Fast
These treatments are very fast. It is the fastest way to remove unwanted hairs from various parts of the body. The laser beam from the laser device can cover large areas of the skin very quickly.
12. Convenient Treatment
It is a convenient treatment. It is a relatively painless procedure. Unlike waxing which can be very painful, laser hair removal is a comfortable procedure. You will not feel any painful sensation when the laser device is pressed against your skin.
13. 100% Safe on All Skin Colors
This is completely safe for all skin colours. Whether you have light or dark skin, laser hair removal can be successfully used on all skin colours.
14. You Can Shave in Between Sessions
Before having a treatment, the hairs above the skin around the treatment area will be shaved off. A session of laser hair removal treatment is usually not enough to completely destroy the hair follicles and remove all unwanted hair. You may need to have 3-4 treatment sessions for the hair follicles to be completely damaged and see good results. You may need to wait for 4-6 weeks in between each treatment session. Hairs could start growing back during this period. You need to always shave off the hairs above your skin before every treatment session.
15. Increase Your Confidence
Hair growth on various parts of your body such as your armpit, legs, arms, and upper lips can be very embarrassing, especially for ladies. You can lose your confidence in the midst of other people and may lose your feminine nature. Laser hair removal can help remove unwanted hair from those areas of your body that you don’t need them. This can keep you looking clean and feminine at all times. You will have increased confidence in the midst of people and can even show off your body.
16. Reduced Body Odor
Hairs on specific areas of the body particularly on the armpits and bikini line can cause body odor. This is why it is advised to always shave off hairs from hidden areas around your body to prevent or reduce body odour. Laser hair removal can help remove unwanted hairs from those hidden areas to ensure you don’t have bad body odour.
17. A Reliable Technique To Remove Excess Hair
Laser hair removal is a reliable technique to remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body. It is a tested and trusted hair removal treatment that has been used since the mid-1990s to remove unwanted hairs from various parts of the body. Laser hair removal is clinically tested and FDA-approved.
18. Low Maintenance
Results from laser hair removal require low maintenance. It takes years for the damaged hair follicles to heal before hairs can start growing back. You may only need to go for maintenance treatments after several months.
19. No More Waiting For Hair Growth
Laser hair removal provides long-lasting results. As long as the hair follicles remain damaged, hairs will not grow back. After having your laser hair treatment, you don’t need to worry anymore about shaving or waxing every week.
20. Non-Invasive
Laser hair removal is completely non-invasive. The laser device is only pressed gently against your skin to allow the laser beam to go through the skin into the hair follicles to damage the hair follicles. It doesn’t require injections or incisions.
21. Toned And Smoother Skin
It helps provide smoother and toned skin. It clears out all hairs from your skin, making your skin look extremely smooth and fresh.
22. Laser Hair Removal Leaves Your Skin Softer Than Before
It works from the inside out. Unlike shaving which can make your skin feel stronger due to constant scraping of your skin surface, laser hair removal doesn’t cause any harm or changes to your skin. In fact, it leaves your skin feeling softer than before as a result of the complete removal of hairs from inside the hair follicles.
23. Permanent Removal Of Unwanted Hair
This can cause permanent removal of unwanted hair. As long as the hair follicles remain damaged, hair will not grow back. When a hair follicle is damaged, it could take many years to heal. Hair will only grow back when the hair follicle heals. To prevent hair from growing back, maintenance treatments are required.
How much does full-body laser hair removal cost in Cedar Park and Austin, Texas?
The full-body laser hair removal includes every part of your body such as your full legs, full arms, armpits, bikini line, face, back, chest, and stomach. The cost of treating each part of your body sums up the cost for the entire body.
It could cost $2,500-$4000 to have a full-body laser hair removal treatment.
What happens if I don’t shave before laser hair removal?
If you don’t shave before having a laser hair removal treatment, you could experience epidermal burns. The laser heat can burn the hair above your skin. This can cause burns or scars on your skin.
Why is my hair growing back after laser?
This treatment only damages hair follicles but is not completely destroyed. Over time, the damaged hair follicles may recover and heal. When the damaged hair follicles heal, your hair will start to grow back. It typically takes years for damaged hair follicles to recover and heal. Periodic maintenance treatments are required to prevent the hair follicles from recovering enough to allow your hair to grow back.
Are 6 sessions of laser hair removal enough?
3-6 laser hair removal treatment sessions are enough to damage the hair follicles enough to prevent hair growth and to see good results.
Eden Medical Spa: Best Med Spa to Get Laser Hair Removal in Cedar Park and Austin, Texas

Eden Medical Spa is a leading medical spa to get Laser hair removal in Cedar Park & Austin, TX that provides a variety of cosmetic and aesthetic treatments.
We provide laser hair removal treatments and other on-demand cosmetic treatments. We use the most innovative techniques in providing our various treatments and services. We help remove those stubborn unwanted hairs from areas of your body where you don’t need them. Our laser hair removal treatment is subtle and gentle on your skin.
The satisfaction of our clients is our priority. This is why we go all out to make sure we get you the results you desire and even more.
Contact us today or book an appointment with Eden Medical Spa to get laser hair removal treatment.